Saturday, May 15, 2010

Complete What You Write

It's always fun to start a new writing project but what at first seems exciting can quickly turn into work. With the lack of enthusiasm, boredom can set in. There is no substitute for diligent work and keep focused on the goal of completing a manuscript. Writing is a lot of work and can be rewarding, but not without the effort and determination to see the project completed. It also takes strategy to overcome the boredom and lackluster task of writing page after seemingly endless page. Always think of a different approach and mindset when you start that next page or need to finished that chapter.

If you're bored with your story, so will the reader find themselves skipping to the exciting scenes. And never neglect the middle of the story, because it hold as much importance as the beginning and end. It takes discipline to sit and create those sentences that seem elusive or difficult to get into the right wording. With time this becomes easier as more practice is achieved and the writing goals toward and within the story are realized. Also, don't wait for inspiration to strike because you'll be waiting quite a long time to finished the story if you mostly rely on this. And the muse usually happens when you're already writing and in the flow of the words and scene. Remember this the next time you sit and start typing away.

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