Monday, December 28, 2009


Blogging has been around for a decade and ever since its inception there have been numerous ways to use it. From journal entries, instructive how-to's, and blogging to making money, to marketing, PR and business posts, there's a platform for everyone. It's a matter of finding what works best when choosing the blog content and then maximizing the potenial. For myself, as a writer, my blogs focus on writing themes, such as writing tips, articles and book reviews to topics from my novel such as techonolgy and the environment. I try to blog two to maybe three times a week and to keep my tme structured between blogging, working on my novel and other writing endeavors.

There are great reasons to blog and other reasons not to blog or to blog several times a week or perhaps only several times a month. Some of the benefits of blogging are being able to express and share ideas and creativity. And in this process being able to teach others about ideas and topics they may not have otherwise thougt about. It can help get the writer into a routine where they can benefit from stengthing their writing and build idea organization. Blogging can also be a way to meet others who share your same interests and knowledge and to also recieve comments and feedback on those informative posts. Blogging has many uses and it won't take long for the new or seasoned writer that start a blog to discover its many benefits.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Surviving Antarctica by Andrea White

Selected Song: SAVE ME by Remy Zero

448 pages
ISBN: 9780060554569

Based on Robert F. Scott's 1912 expedition to the South Pole, Surviving Antarctica is set in 2083 when the educational system is delivered through television. Such as re-enacting historical events to teach history where the participants can win money. The television producer uses five fourteen-year-olds to be the leads in the latest trek to the snow-capped south. What the kids don't know is that implanted in their eyes are tiny digital cameras so that any adult interference is completely avoided. Grace, the main character, is an IƱupiat Eskimo who lives in Arizona after Alaska became a nuclear waste dump. Then there's Billy, the snack junkie; Polly, the smart one; Robert, the gadget and engineer-type; and Andrew, who is the timid one who discovers his hidden courage. This story is also a commentary on society's own fixation with reality TV.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Meg Cabot video on Writing Mistakes

There are many rules to writing and even those that can be broken if one knows how, but of the many books, blogs and articles that give advice (yes, even this one) make sure the information is accurate by researching and verifying among several sources. Most times if a fact you're seeking is offered among other reputable sources then likely it's true. Although everyone has preferences and therefore even some 'facts' can differ. One excellent source is Strunk and White's The Elements of Style or Stephen King's On Writing. And if you're polished manuscript is ready for readers a great source on marketing and promoting in the 21st century is author Jeff Vandermeer's Booklife. Below is Meg Cabot on Writing Mistakes.

Meg Cabbot is the author of The Princess Diaries (17 books in the series) and many other popular titles.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Windrusher by Victor Digenti; Video Trailer

292 pages
Ocean Publishing
ISBN: 9780976729143

Windrusher chronicles the exciting and daring heroics of a tabby cat who finds himself on a journey home after his family moves to Florida - without him! The problem is that Windrusher, as had his family, lives in Connecticut and must find his way along the eastcoast with the guidance of Akhen-et-u (The Inner Ear - an ancient communication tool among cats) and Irissa-u (The Holy Mother). Victor Digenti has woven a wondrous and grand story where cats have an ancient history and ways of living that no Hyskos (humans) are aware of. Through his trials, Windrusher meets other feline friends, some foes and Hyskos, and will stop at nothing to fulfill his destiny appointed by Irissa-u. So, how will Windrusher exactly reach his destination and in how many night globes (months)? Wind(rusher) is waiting to sweep you up into the pages of his debut adventure and show you the way of his Path!

This trailer is for the third book in the series; the second book is titled Windrusher and the Cave of Tho-hoth

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bullet-Ant Glove video; Tribal theme

The bullet-any glove episode aired on the National Geographic channel last night, though I had seen it before. This reminded me of the time I volunteered for a research experiment for extra-credit at my university. I had to submerge my hand in a bucket of ice water until I could no longer tolerate the pain or until time was up, which I learned was just over 5 minutes because I kept my hand in until time was called. After the first half-minute my hand tingled then at about a minute it began to feel warm and then became numb. After this, the tingling turned to a stinging/burning feeling, but I ignored the pain (knowing that pain toleration was likely the basis of the research) until I was told to remove my hand. At this point, my hand felt like it had been stung my dozens of bees or ants and fortunatley I was given a warming glove to warm my hand.

The participants in this tribe are going to experience something much more painful than prolonged exposure to ice water, though don't always show their pain, as you'll see. Also, in my novel, there's a tribal theme where one of the characters was branded with an authentic tribal tattoo from South America. To find out which character, visit my website.