As Jane might instruct, Listen to this song that nicely complements the following posting, as I'm sure you'll find it most agreeable. Below the text is the professional book trailer for Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters.

While I haven't read any of these interesting titles I've read their reviews that range in opinion. Many seem to enjoy these contemporary creations that put a terrifying twist on the classics, as Pride and Prejudice and Zombies has sold well. However, the theme of Seamonsters set loose upon Sense and Sensiblity, for some, makes little sense and is without sensibility. Yet, Austen's novels endure despite this onslaught. People and authors are social and creative creatures with a desire of needing to connect with others as has Austen's novels for two centuries; Sense and Sensibility being published in 1811.
The monsters depicted in these books are as varied as Austen's beloved characters and those despised; these having characteristics of such fiends as Zombies, Sea Monsters, Mummies and Vampires. For instance, Zombies and how they're only focused on themselves and their brains; Sea Monsters and the way they slosh about, sliming their way into the lives of the unsuspecting; Mummies, always wrapped up in their dealings with not much to say; and finally, among the most well known and ahbored/loved, is the Vampire, with its smooth stealthy ways, waiting to suck the life out of those who venture too close. Though the situation isn't without hope, as the fourth book says: Jane Bites Back.

Now we'll just have to wait for the full version...
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