Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Network of Ideas

Ideas can strike at anytime and anywhere and whether the ideas are given creative life is, of course, determined by the one who thought of them. Ideas are best remembered by being written down and then returned to at a later time to be given a place in a manuscript or other form of creativity. Another great way to give ideas life is through networking with others with similar interests or even those with different views so that any thoughts on a certain topic can be considered. The same is true for a manuscript when placing the newly thought of plot elements or characterzations into a story. Some ideas will work and others might not.

It's always good to network with peers of your creative commons so that a better idea is gained by seeking various perspectives. And also, what might not seem to work for others might very well be compatible with your goals for the story and especially the characters that populate it. When the story begins to develop a life from the pages of ideas made of plot sketches and character development, it's then that a network of ideas grows into a fully functioning storyline. From here other ideas that other thought of are likely to have more focus and tied into the main storyline where the characters bring together realistic situations and creating stronger plot dynamics.

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