These books from my collection feature not only facts from these wars, but also offer replica memoribilia. The first is FLORIDA IN THE CIVIL WAR and the following is a summary of the back cover copy: Florida was the third state to secede from the Union and with a 6,000 mile coastline it was difficult to defend. However, citizens struggled over the issue, as war was not wanted now that the state had a diminished role within the Confederacy. Despite these problems, Florida provided provisions that kept the Southern armies going. Tallahassee was the only Confederate capital in the east to stay out of Union hands until after the war. This book has many first-person accounts that bring to life the rich history of Florida's participation in the Civil War.
The next book, subtitled as LETTERS OF THE CIVIL WAR, has authentic replica letters written by both Confederate and Union soldiers. The book provides a compelling history that supplement the documents.

The World War II book below also contains twenty removable authentic replica letters and other documents from life during wartime. The D-DAY EXPERIENCE, with an extended title, from The Invasion to The Liberation of Paris, offers over thirty facsimile items that include maps, diaries, letters, secret memos, reports, posters and logbooks. All had once been filed, exhibited in the Imperial War Museum or kept in private collections around the world. D-Day was the largest amphibious invasion in history that took place on June 6th 1944, involved over a million men from the U.S., Britian, Canada, France, Poland and Germany.

Similar to the previous collection, AMERICA AT WAR contains twenty-four authentic replicas from the home front to the front lines. Two interesting items among these are The ID card of General George Patton, A letter from Albert Einstein to President Roosevelt warning of Germany's attempts to develop the atomic bomb. THE ART OF WAR by Sun Tzu, a Chinese general, covers many principles of war.

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