Creating opportunites to promote oneself on the internet can be an easy and fun endeavor that has many rewards. And it doesn't neccessarily have to cause headaches. In addition to my website I have added to my homepage image links to Myspace, Twitter, Facebook and Blogger. These four networking sites are on the left section of my site and in the center box I have included a signup for my Yahoo monthly newsletter where I feature my Ridgeview Reader newsletter that is based from my novel Helen and The Hunter.
The right box of my website layout has Noteable Links that showcase the highlights of my website. These pages are: Notes, Photos, Characters, Ask Jason, Playlist and J's Journal Blog. For more information on these visit my website. My J's Journal blog is a great feature that I chose to build into my website in addition to having any external blogs such as Blogger.
Even though my blog content will mostly be the exact same, a simple promoting strategy is that while one reader will find my blog on blogger, another will find the same posting on my website and then see links to my other sites such as Twitter, etc.
Creating links to and from each website source will gain further awareness for your audience. And a great thing about utilizing these sources is that unlike the majority of personal websites, they're free!
With countless blogs posted every day it can be difficult to decide what to read and even moreso, what to blog about, should you be writing an article or whatever you chose to post. I've considered the time invested in doing so and if it would garner many readers. To establish an audience there must be topics and ones worth reading about, to pique that reader interest. I've had readers check out my website's blog, but I know (when I do blog) there will be many more potential readers when I post what I write there onto Blogger. And from here (Blogger) they can go to my website.
When I've thought about what to write for topics, I've wondered if it would be a time waster. I've realized that no matter how many people read it, it creates an opportunity for them to visit my website and my other networking sites. And most importantly it allows me the benefit of practicing my writing (aside from my daily writing on my novel) to a diverse audience with topics that might not be in my novel or that I otherwise wouldn't give much thought to. It's amazing what new things can be learned every day and that those discoveries can be shared with those wanting to know. Or even better, to those who thought they didn't want to know and are glad they had the opportunity to find out.